Social network algorithms sometimes work to your advantage, but other times will need a little help to increase your fanbase. If you want to reach a larger audience your best choice is to invest in advertising.
With years of experience launching advertising campaigns in the music world, you can trust los amigos digitales to manage your network. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, we can even take care of your campaigns on Google Ads, so that your audience can find you.
As the audience of each social network increases, it has become more complicated for that audience to be aware of everything that they may be interested in (among which, no doubt, is you). To try to correct this situation, the networks introduced algorithms, which should show each user the things they are most interested in.
However, it is very likely that, even if a user is your No. 1 fan, they are not seeing all the content you publish. Therefore, investing in advertising, in certain cases, makes so much sense. Additionally, if you have a website, and you want your users to find it, you should seriously consider investing in SEM (Search Engine Marketing) campaigns.
We know advertising! We launched advertising campaigns on Google shortly after this possibility arose in the search engine. We began with a North American agency, then with agencies in Spain, and finally directly with the platform. Similar campaigns can be run on social media (Facebook, Instagram or Twitter).
In both cases, search engine and social media, we have witnessed the birth of these advertising possibilities, as well as the changes that have been taking place. We have witnessed these changes from within the music world, which is very different to other advertisers. Thus, we are used to working with very short campaigns, without too big budgets… and very quickly.
We have a wide catalog of services, which allows us to provide you with comprehensive support in all your digital needs… although, if you prefer, we can help you with a subset of tasks. Specifically: