April 9, 2021 - News
And it is that this month the Spanish Association of Telecommunication Engineers of Madrid (AEITM) have kindly provided his colleague Álvaro Rebollo Ena (our Founder) The Associate’s Tribune’s space to explain the process that led him to launch los amigos digitales.
The article is titled “¡Emprende!” (which could be maybe translated as “Start a business”), and you can read it here.
It is a good continuation of the one he published a little over two years ago (“La industria de la música, conejillo de indias de la transformación digital”, which could be translated as “The music industry, guinea pig of the digital transformation”), and in which he reviewed the evolution of the music industry, taking advantage of his long experience in this sector. You can read it here.
In the new article, and as he did yesterday in the Webinar “Keys to start a business successfully”, Álvaro encourages his colleagues to undertake.